
Showing posts from 2015
The Complex world of a CALL CENTRE INDUSTRY Brewed coffee as I think of it occupies my sleepy mind, runs thru my blood, a booze that makes me awake, as I sip one or two it make me energize all throughout the night. As I hit the train as tightly squeezing my fit body to be on time and never be late for work. Faded jeans, old rubber shoes, uncombed hair and unshaven a typical look for a call center agent, not to forget the jacket and sun glasses that made this iconic of the modern era of Young Urban Professionals (YUPs). And every day as the clock keeps on ticking, every second counts while beating the time to be on time. Shift starts at 9pm to 6am and life as a night owl is entirely different from what others might think as being a good tax payers with weekends rest days only happens once in a blue moon. Traffic lights tells me that life is a fast pace full of challenge and yet the color tells me when to stop, slow down and go, it is always in a challenging and changing envir

Love and the persona within

Music to my ear, sounds   humming   as I gaze the stars and my body language tells me that gestures is more than the sweetness of wine, a shot of tranquility so peaceful inside. A word of excitement in a constant speed in a right direction, funny it seems to be as I run into the field, trap inside the maze, a tarradiddle of everything, it is the twist and twick of feelings we all know. They say that cupid's arrow hit me directly, a role that everyone of us figuratively describe as such of falling in LOVE , but in reality it is a God given clean emotions that we ought to use and to have as always. Rarely I find a girl that influence me inside out, the kind of influence that does not only brings out the BEST in me as a person but more on the spiritual side of being a man. YES, she DOES it without telling me of this and that, what is good and bad, how to think clearly, focus and without prejudice and how to conquer   life without to worry about anything else,