
Showing posts from September, 2016

Rehearse… Rehearse.. Rehearse.. Rehearse

It is been a year since the PHILIPPINE FASHION MODELO ACADEMY(PFMA) went hibernated from the world of modelling but it  does not mean  that the school  stops producing the next batch of models  who wants to be part of the modelling industry and not to mention those aspiring models who would like to  try and give  it a shot what it takes to be a model. Dubbed as the only modelling schools in the city of Lipa Batangas that rock as a warrior from day one  the  founder opened the school,  unperturbed as time  passes, beyond compare in terms of  quality that soar high in producing top talents, achievements as we may call it- thank you Ms. Audrey Diaz for sharing your talent for those young beauties whose dream is to enter the world of modelling. Now, a new batch is undergoing a rigid workshop to enhance the skills, projection, facial expression good posture, the do’s and don’ts in  facing  the camera, catwalk, basic stance, make up tutorial and  how to walk like a model in the  run