
Showing posts from August, 2017

Side Trip: Mauban

                 Over the weekends-summer of this year 2017, my foot was set to travel farther south and it is an adventure that full of excitement in such a way that it helps me conquer the unknown place and yes it was indeed a road trip that leads to MAUBAN QUEZON. The town is simple yet majestic that brings back the beauty of simplicity since time immemorial, a place of peacefulness that it sucks out the bad energy from the   city life –from sunrise to sunset. Here in Mauban the place is far from any places on the nearby town, No traffic no malls and even fast food chains like McDonalds, Jollibee, Chowking and any other fast food chains we usually see in the city and that is one of the many reasons I love most about the place and the rich history of this native town felt not only to my heart but deep within my soul. The journey begin as early as 1 am going to the province of Mauban, cool  breeze  of air  upon reaching Quezon as  sunrise  greet the blue sky. People