Side Trip: Mauban


 Over the weekends-summer of this year 2017, my foot was set to travel farther south and it is an adventure that full of excitement in such a way that it helps me conquer the unknown place and yes it was indeed a road trip that leads to MAUBAN QUEZON. The town is simple yet majestic that brings back the beauty of simplicity since time immemorial, a place of peacefulness that it sucks out the bad energy from the   city life –from sunrise to sunset. Here in Mauban the place is far from any places on the nearby town, No traffic no malls and even fast food chains like McDonalds, Jollibee, Chowking and any other fast food chains we usually see in the city and that is one of the many reasons I love most about the place and the rich history of this native town felt not only to my heart but deep within my soul.

The journey begin as early as 1 am going to the province of Mauban, cool  breeze  of air  upon reaching Quezon as  sunrise  greet the blue sky. People smiling and happy as excitement cannot hide, feeling of nostalgia upon reaching the town greeted with warm acceptance in the form of simplicity and humble gestures. Mauban is   one of the tows in the Quezon province that is rich in culture and history that speaks to the people of Mauban, the Spanish influence molded the culture of the town itself, old houses that even as of this day can be seen as one of the few attractions that speaks not only about the people way of living but part of the rich history that define the society-status quo as per se.

Lucena Grand Terminal Bus station- waiting for NCR Liner bound for Mauban. A quarter to 5 am. A busy place meets the beauty of travelling

Early in the morning, cool and fresh air what a day!

Bound for Mauban Quezon. this bus is like the 80's version. Ordinary as it may seems to be yet this bus is so love my many commuter and the only bus with regular schedule trips.

Upon entering the town of Mauban- greeted with this love symbol that welcome visitors like myself, at home and relax.

As I tour around the town, I felt home on this wonderful and peaceful town. People greeted you with a smile, happily drinking and busy preparing for another day, A conquest, a simple celebration as they happily talk about life. While the sunshine is up in blue sky my feet cannot wait to roam around and take a photo,  an adventure that  drives me to the wilderness, a stranger in my own country.

Roman Catholic is a predominantly  religion   in Mauban just  like any other places the  country.

Maapon Bridge rehabilitation. History how this bridge help and develop significant changes  for the local people  tourists and the community. 

Arch commonly seen in every  town  and symbolizes the unity and  brotherhood along with the logo that depicts the society. An entrance going to town proper.

Mauban is a place to live. No pollution, no traffic, life is at slow pace and very relaxing. Morning breeze and birds chirping is something that I missed as  urban life slowly eating me. I told myself that someday this is the kind of place I want to live. Simple, fresh life, good food and less worry- a place to live as we longing for a new and longer life. A place has more things to offer in terms of livelihood and and community,  since Mauban is in coastal area and facing Sierra Madre as mountain of life and the accessibility of farm to market  road is excellent, I couldn't think of any reason that people live in this place will go hungry- at least in my thought it is more than a survival.

The famous and local food commonly seen in the resto and or in the street- Pancit  habhab.   I always eat this pancit whenever I visited Lucban and  Mauban.

Another interesting about Mauban is their history that people embrace and valued as their national treasure and with the help of the local government, a program was created to dig and study their history so people will never forget their humble beginning for future generation in order for them to understand how great their society is. As one of their program, local government encourages the owner of the Spanish old houses to be part of the local tourism program to  showcase their houses and antiques not only as old houses itself but as well as the story within, sounds cliché? No, not really, it is the truth- a simple way of showing the locals how important it is for them to know their history, what history taught them, a treasure gem for future generation. Sense of pride and awareness made the town as one of the few example  that past and future can meet along the  way. For more details please visit:

Signage upon entering the  Rizal Hill. The money is for the maintenance of the  park.

Entrance and the stairway - Rizal hill park

Courtesy of  Mauban USA, Inc. of Northern California

passage going to the  hill top

Marker depicts the history of Rizal hill, written in our native language entails love, sacrifices and admiration.

The  Rizal hill was donated in honour of our National hero  Dr. Jose Rizal. For the record   Rizal did not went  or visit Mauban as most of the local tourist thought of. Established in 1925,  Rizal hill played an important role  during the Spanish time, American Period and during  World War II.  

Rizal Monument situated on top of the hill overlooking the Mauban town.

Mauban Museum. A collective effort thru the help of  the local people and the local government

A few of the artifacts that speaks of  the  Mauban history.
Donated by some locals. An Art and History.
Yesteryear. A glimpse of the past.

A jar of life that speaks for the life that people of Mauban had.

Gat Mauban Statue- a defender of the locals from the pirates.

This book was given to me  as token of appreciation. A good book, good read

I tell myself over and over that this  is one of the place where I would like  to stay. Simple yet full of happy thoughts, a serene environment, happy people and  fresh start. 

Someday, soon... 

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