
Showing posts from December, 2017

Grooming as I always thought

If   girls and women loves to spend an hour if front of the mirror and making sure   they are look beautiful  and delighted to men’s eyes, then   it is only fair for men to do the same thing, sounds right? Well I do agree. Nowadays we are lurking into a lifestyle that we spend a little less  and  more for  some of us and that lifestyle is called: grooming, part of our DNA and it is part of our life cycle. Over the weekends I met my college  friend  and  while waiting,  I roam around the  mall and saw this booth, a small one with a product familiar to my eyes, oh yes, it is  a MAN POMADE, yes it is and  it sounds  right. Created  for men whose grooming is part of  the  masculinity we have. Why this product? Well, the are several reasons : First, I believe in the product, second: affordable. third: specially made for MEN to look good and feel good not only for their hair grooming alone but for themselves as well. fourth: I believe in the company, whose goals does not only