
Showing posts from September, 2018

Vigan: Revisted, Reunited, Reborn

It has been 20 years ago when I first set foot to Vigan Ilocos Sur. I was not able to enjoy the place much since   we need to go back to Manila. Time flies and counting and here I am in same   exact place but this time it is all about my adventure and my story. So what's with Vigan? Well,  historically speaking,  the place is the seat of Spanish colonization and the seat of power during those times and not to mention the  economy per se, the lifestyle, the  connection and the  influence of the  b uena familia exist even to this day.  Almost 400 years ago, the existence of the Spanish era still reflects of what yesterday  has been thru and it has always  been like that. The entire city of Vigan was later inscribed as a UNESCO  World Heritage City  after being declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a member of the  Organization of World Heritage Cities  (OWHC). Culture wise, Ilocanos are known to be frugal in all aspects not to mention their food that includes: S