Vigan: Revisted, Reunited, Reborn

It has been 20 years ago when I first set foot to Vigan Ilocos Sur. I was not able to enjoy the place much since  we need to go back to Manila. Time flies and counting and here I am in same  exact place but this time it is all about my adventure and my story.

So what's with Vigan? Well,  historically speaking,  the place is the seat of Spanish colonization and the seat of power during those times and not to mention the  economy per se, the lifestyle, the  connection and the  influence of the  buena familia exist even to this day. Almost 400 years ago, the existence of the Spanish era still reflects of what yesterday  has been thru and it has always  been like that. The entire city of Vigan was later inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage City after being declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC). Culture wise, Ilocanos are known to be frugal in all aspects not to mention their food that includes: Sinanglao , empanada, longanisa and their bagnet.

At exactly 4.15 am  I set foot to Vigan, cold air after the rain and serenity of the plaza where tricycle  drivers greeted  you with  a smile and warmth acceptance, strangers yet I am home  in a place  that I have  no idea what has to offer-  it is  an adventure that  I am excited  and   thrilled. I met Kuya  Jun Ragasa – a  local tricycle driver in the town, I asked  him where to   eat breakfast  and  yes  on top of my mind–Sinanglao, a local dish  and  famous  in Ilocos. He took me in the place where do people gathered early in the morning to eat, a small carinderia where  local Ilocano  dishes  served smoking hot   that  suits the palate  of every customers, it is open as  early as  4.30 am.

  This  carinderia  served sinanglao- one of the famous Ilocano dish. located near the public market and Pure Gold. It is open everyday  as early as 4.30  am. Below  is the  picture of  Sinanglao   partnered with mongo beans.

After  breakfast,  Kuya Jun   drove me  going to Calle Crisologo, this place is famous for the aesthetic beauty  of the ruins of yesterday that was preserved for the next generation. My eyes couldn’t  believe of what I saw, just like going back in the time of Spanish colonization and  yes  my heart  rejoices and  my world stop and  time freezes as I look around.The majestic beauty  of old houses and  the  way it represents  the  society   speak how  the  Vigan shape the course of history and  culture that Ilocanos are  proud of.

Calle Crisologo at night. The  beauty and  history that  people love most.

The early walk gives me an immense pleasure of what life is all about and I cannot help but to be relax and happy, a NIRVANA inside of my head, beauty captured the past of what the   future will be. As  my eyes  glaze on the ruins, an inner  thoughts race thru every corner  where bricks layer by layer echoed as I  looked and  be  amazed.


     Few of the  shots  I have  taken, colour has been edited for enhancement.


 Right after  the  tour across the plaza, Kuya Jun drove me to   my place, afterwards  we     had  a breakfast  in  old post office where  the best Sinanglao is deserved

Kuya Jun Ragasa,  local trike driver who  toured me around  Vigan. Good guy
If you are in Vigan and  would like to eat the best sinanglao, just ask the  trike driver  to take you to the old POST OFFICE building. Open at  7 am. . Sinanglaw is a Filipino soup dish prepared with beef and beef offal ... A very rustic soup dish from the province of Vigan


The famous Saint Augustine Parish Church, commonly known as Bantay Church,  see 
I was not able to enter  and reach the  top of the Bell Tower due to  rain,  slippery and high risk, and for safety purposes, it is closed until  such time the weather is  back to normal. next time, perhaps.

Another angle shot taken. I cannot  stop  to be amazed. 


The Saint Augustine Church is another way to represent  Ilocos Sur,  simple yet  majestically  done in a way for the worshippers to appreciate the beauty  of the  church, Roman Catholic  is the  dominant religion in the  Ilocos region since the Spanish Colonization had a great influence among the people  in the region dated back 400 years ago. Above left is the  statue  of  Virgin Mary and  on the right  inside the church.

Majestically crafted  in God's hand



     Vigan at night.


The famous pottery making industry in Ilocos. I have learned that this industry is about to extinct since  no one  is no longer interested  to continue the  industry. According to Manong even his son is not interested  to replace him someday, his son prefer to play computer games instead. For me, the local government should  create a concrete program that will encourage the young ones to participate and or  learn the  pottery making and be part of the  losing  industry.



Vigan Longanisa, Bagnet, Empanada and Okoy are famous food that people and or local tourist enjoy most. Probably not all may enjoy it but  it is the  trademark that Vigan embedded in their  culture, a local tourist like me cannot  reject or  say NO to these food, not only a must try but it is something I will never get tired of eating. :) Bon Appetite


Architectural design of how rich the  culture and what it symbolizes  within. These piece of  design speaks the the kind of life   of the society, cleverness and  influence.



  Baluarte owned by Gov, Chavit Singson, one of the tourist spot that locals do visits. A sanctuary for animals like  tiger      and lion.


Looming industry business is in Vigan is another tourist attraction  that helps the local thus  creates  job and  income   for lower class family where the produce  is sold locally, affordable and  quality.




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