
Showing posts from March, 2022

SUMMER GETAWAY: Meet up, travel and camera

  Sin ce the pandemic hit the country, everything stops and everyone is glued to their home bored and tired mentally, The same as what I have experienced. Over the last two years of the pandemic, a lot of things have changed and the new normal is slowly adopted by the living Filipino people. A friend of mine invited me to Lipa Batangas to join for an open photoshoot and  I agreed immediately not only do I miss traveling but to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. As I marked the calendar dated March  6, 2022 – the excitement gives chills to my spine and I couldn’t help but push going to the south. I left the city as early as 4 am and arrived in Lipa City at 6.30 AM, ahead of the scheduled meet-up. Zuloc Event  Center- owned by Robert Resma Receno                                                             Pose as they flaunt their aura and style in front of the camera. Summer Photoshoot is always full of fun, not only meeting my co-photographer but as well as meeting new f