SUMMER GETAWAY: Meet up, travel and camera


Since the pandemic hit the country, everything stops and everyone is glued to their home bored and tired mentally, The same as what I have experienced. Over the last two years of the pandemic, a lot of things have changed and the new normal is slowly adopted by the living Filipino people. A friend of mine invited me to Lipa Batangas to join for an open photoshoot and  I agreed immediately not only do I miss traveling but to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. As I marked the calendar dated March  6, 2022 – the excitement gives chills to my spine and I couldn’t help but push going to the south. I left the city as early as 4 am and arrived in Lipa City at 6.30 AM, ahead of the scheduled meet-up.

Zuloc Event  Center- owned by Robert Resma Receno



                                                       Pose as they flaunt their aura and style in front of the camera.

Summer Photoshoot is always full of fun, not only meeting my co-photographer but as well as meeting new faces of young talents supported by their loving parents, additionally, the food and the place are the other two things I enjoyed most.


                               These young individuals are the next generation of the fashion world, not just yet but soon they will.


Summer, summer, summer, pose and project





Robert Resma Receno

Noel Loreto

Co-photographers, event  coordinators, and models

                                                                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2022 ™


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