
Showing posts from March, 2023

Summer Friendship to Eternity - Part 1

  It was the summer of April 2013 it was a quick trip to Lipa Batangas and see what the place has to offer in terms of landscape photography. Backtrack, I met the owner and founder of the modeling school- PHILIPPINE FASHION MODELO ACADEMY(PFMA)  where Queenee was one of the students back then, it was supposed to be a meet and greet and leave the place but I was hooked to stay.   Why and how did our friendship start? And how do we keep it until this day? These are the questions most people ask me and my answer is always the same and consistent. Let me share this brief story of how it all started, It was after lunch in April 2013 and everyone is busy and waiting for the practice to start, a glimpse in my eyes caught my attention, yes it was a glimpse of her smile, friendly as she is, a bubble of happiness, a reflection of her personality and character. I remember she used to call me “idol” to which I   asked, why not “best friend”? and from that day onwards it is a friendship that blosso