
Showing posts from August, 2023

Travel and Coffee

  KafĂ©naman   Coffee and Friendship, Brewing to Perfection. We all do love coffee from Brewed to Americano to iced coffee, Ice caramel macchiato, and the whole nine yards about coffee with or without sugar and creamer. Coffee lovers have their reason why coffee and what coffee is all about, it is how they cope with long days at work, for some, it is as simple as relaxation, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Traditionally, coffee serves the purpose of enjoying the day and life itself, coffee means love and the definition of love itself. Coffee shops exist on every corner of the street, from simple coffee vending machines at 7-11 stores across the country and everyone loves it including myself, and nothing beats the smell of rich aroma freshly brewed by the barista. Every reason why an individual loves coffee goes back to the time coffee was introduced to humanity, back in the day coffee was not as popular as today’s time. Total coffee consumption in the Philippines from