Randomly invited, Random shots -Philippine Fashion Modelo Academy

 Meeting a new circle of  friends doesn't  always     needed formal approach.  Oftently   we  asked someone for us to be introduced and the rest is history. By this time, things have   changed differently and  I was proud to say I am  officially part of  the  PFMA family and yes I must admit  that Batangas  is  my second home  close  to my heart and  thank you my dear friend Audrey Diaz.  I was invited   to attend the  photoshoot event that took place in Lipa, by this time  group were divided   in two: Myself and  Sir  Norman Morales took the  shots with the  help of  one   fellow male model    who have  his own  camera to   back up. What special about this  day? Well  It is  the final photo shoot  event   before  the grand show on  May 11, 2013  to be held   in SM Batangas at 4pm.  Three    things  I have  learned, Experience, Exposure and Excitement. Why? it is  totally   different     to be  into  Fashion Photography and the  exposure it  brings is  totally a  whole idea  to me since   fashion photography involves  people, the main thing is to capture the emotions of the person involved and  the excitement  what the  results  of  pictures taken will look  like.

Here  are  some pictures taken,  models posed  comfortably as what   Academy taught them, since  I am  not  one of the professional photographers as  fashion Industry  required  to be or  at least in some point  near  being  professional one, I  found  myself  enjoying the  things that  most  professional photographers do- Take  pictures with  well define art  thru the help of  their  respective models. This  photo shoot  event prior to   the Fashion Show helps  me  understand that taking pictures for the  models  is   something that will awaken the  senses  of  a  hobbyist  photographer  when it comes  to  Art.  When  we say Art,  the definition  doesn't  only rely to the  subject  itself  but as  well as to the photographer having  a  good  and clear  communication as  what the  output will be-conformity  is the key.The  challenge it bring when  taking  the  pictures always starts   on the  basic,    does  the visualization of  a photographer  will match on the  expectations of the subject and or the  models?


It   varies  how individual  posed for the photo shoot, some may  be  as relax  as it is but  some  are not  in which   they have  preconceive notion  how they will look like in front of the camera and what  the output  will be. It is  normal for a  certain model to be a bit self-conscious  since  they  are into  learning stage, good thing about this  is  photo shoot  event is that  they were given an  opportunity  to  practice their skills  in modeling in the tune of  a  music that beats  in the rhythm of   their talent and pride to show to the  world  what  it takes to be a model. As   hobbyist in photography  certain  things  helps  me understand  that  the concept  into  photo shoot is the  basic of it all, it may differs  from one another, yet the results  is same towards on the  set  goal-To produce  high Quality  pictures with models frame  into perfection, it may be cliche but it is always true.

A simple pose  makes a big  difference. Simple yet  elegant. The gestures,  the eyes and the   body movement reveals the   the  hidden  talent, the  bold spirit within to be the next models.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

All    participants   are motivated not only   within themselves  but as well in  terms of   projection in front of the camera. What   they   have learned during the  training? Well,  basic  postures,   sweet smiles, facial expression and the twist and mix  of the  body gestures in every  angle  captured in every  click of the camera. This may  be  a simple photo shoot yet   it has  an impact   within, what  the  participants  will be on their  upcoming event, a  stage ramp up showcasing their  talents into modeling.

 Credits:  Audrey  Diaz , Sir Norman  Morales, PFMA Officers and members, PFMA Batch 5  models and  their  respective parents for their moral support, trust and  belief.

All Rigths Reserved 2013


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