Hey! Last day of the year and it  remaining 13 hours and 20 seconds before  2017 hit the calendar and as we bid goodbye for  2016 let us  cherish all good memories and keep the  not so good things in a distance and let us roll over to the  best of  2017 has  to offer. Like Romans, let us eat, drink and merry making like there is no tomorrow but let us not forget the lessons that life  taught us. Humans are still the most lovable creatures, it is all about biology  and the DNA   within. So, as we move closer to whatever goals we set, dreams we that we created out of daydreaming and plans we had for years, let us kick them with determination, hard work and connection to the Almighty above. There are too many to mention those who have been part of my roller coaster ride in a circle of LIFE that showed the  beauty and  ugliness of what I have right now!

2016 is the year of balance events that shook, tested and made our  country look good and bad in the eyes of the  world that history taught us on how to be strong. The recent typhoon that hit our country remind us  that life is full of challenges ahead as we embrace the  Zen of Life.


To everyone a Happy 2017! Lee us get sober in the spirit of  Good riddance, inject happy thoughts and influence everyone with positivity that makes us high spirited. After all, it is the best drug we can have, provides and contributes without destroying the society and  value human lives as we journey in the long winding road called CHALLENGES.


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