Modelling and the Filipino Culture

Part I

A Misconception and the Grandeur of disillusionment and disappointment.         

Runway, lights camera, hair and make-up artist, clothes and accessories and the spectators. Sounds familiar? Hell yeah. I am into modelling and you know what I mean.

So you want to be a MODEL right?  Have you ask yourself what it takes to be a model? Have you even spend time thinking   about this? Or are you just an ordinary girl or  guy with looks and all of  a sudden , boom!  I am into modelling and I want  to be one of them seen  on the billboard along   EDSA and anywhere your eyes can  see. Sounds funny? Well, yes it is and it becomes tiring and ridiculous to think and hear someone from the crowd shouting on top of their lungs about “modelling.” 

Let us  dissect  and carefully  analyze the  basic  principles of  modelling, how  does a certain person qualify  to be one of the   few and the elite, to be a member of the inner circle.

First:  Right  Attitude. Not  just pure looks and beauty.

It is not all about the “looks and the beauty” per se, it is all about the ATTITUDE and the personality that drives the character that defines the persona within. Sounds cliché, but mind you it is the basic of the basic that is always taken for granted. Work on your attitude! Period.

Second : Uneducated about modelling. 

Models often mistakenly educated themselves that once they are in front of the camera automatically they are model.  The outside appearance weigh more. For example if a girl is a mestiza, tall  with  white skin and chinky eyes then  she  is a  model, a mental behavior that sits like a duck somewhere on their head, pretty face with an empty head.

They are so  drowned  in their own  bubble of happiness that anytime soon  it  will rapture once their  ego prick to the core and  their level of motivation  goes down like a sunset  greeted the  darkness that beauty fades away.

Filipinos are more on vanity rather than substance. Reality versus  expectation, where common  people  used to say things that they do not have an idea and the receiver accepted the  idea without a question. Unusual norm that has been a practice, widely unknown to human. 

My suggestion:   read, research and talk to people that is in into modelling, experienced models  and experts  in the industry with a long  and solid career. Or  enroll  in  reputable MODELLING  school  that will earn  you a   certification that will qualify you as a model. Stop relying and listening  to what people says about you as  instant model, YOU ARE NOT  AN INSTANT  NOODLES  READY TO BE COOKED  ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.  absence of  a solid experience and in-depth knowledge about  fashion industry and modelling, they are  nothing but  a nuisance. Count your parents as well. Unless they are models way back in time with a first hand experience with  deep knowledge  about  fashion  industry.

Third. Modelling is all   about competition.

Hmmnn. I raised my eye-brow to this idea. Competition? Really? Whom do you compete? A question that needs to ponder, one should  have  a deeper  understanding the  complexity  of modelling and  not just a vague idea sitting  in your head, that keeps you blinded all thru out  your dream  to become a model. We  Filipinos love to compete, admittedly it is  part of  our culture and  we  embrace this all throughout our life, whether in sports,  beauty contests, online games, academics and all competition that life  has  to offer. 

We  take  it as a compliment even if the  fruit is  bitter. In the case of modelling, we  always take this as a BIG deal and  YES  to all even if the reality says NO most of the time, and yes it has always been true. By this, for example girls in car show, personally I do not call them as model but talents. Do they have what it takes to be a model? Personally, NO! they may end up as an  actress  in  a local TV and few endorsement  that will last few months and that’s it. 

Competition is the key word that they love to endure  in the expense of their ignorance and the more  they  compete the better that they  prove themselves as a model then they realized that they are too busy and too tired   to prove themselves. My advice is to avoid competition, instead chase and work hard to reach and achieve your dream. Compete to yourself to beat all odds. Modelling is not   about competition but about living.

Fourth: Models  are instant celebrities and artists.

Facebook, Twitter, IG are  social media  platforms that caters services for human consumption digitally. In today’s world, we  can afford to post our snap shots instantly, having said that where all the  likes  share can be  meaningful and hurtful as well.

Girls  posting their pictures with hastag # model, photo shoot and all the s**s within. I have  been  into photography as  hobbyist from film to digital and  I have  seen countless “models” wanna be. I have attended countless photo shoot events and trust me all I have seen is a  picture with models  with no meaning at all. Yes, they may pose rightfully manner in accordance  with their own tastes, preferences and genre but  it  does not add up to be showcased to fit the  entire  picture as a whole.

Anyone can a model. But what is missing is the right  ingredients to become one, that is the ability to showcase the talents within. Take for example in an open photo shoot  events or any other  events with talents , the  more  photographers  take  their  picture the better and the better the  quality of edited picture the  higher of  chances in winning, the  more likes,  and or  positive reaction given to the  pictures the more egoistic  they become, and voila, an instant celebrity in the world full of  artificially happy people. 

My  advice, keep the limitations to yourself and do not let your ego fed by someone’s inability  to see the  real character  in you. If a  photographer says  you have the best angle  among the  crowd or anyone  from the  crowd  says that, say thank you and   shrug it off, it is either they  stroke your  ego to be  gullible enough or they want  something in return in favour  of their  insatiable appetite towards everything in between and gaining nothing in the  expense  of your own  naivety. Showcase your talent and not your lifestyle.

Example image. Screen shot from Facebook.  A talent  of a car show with her  own fan page and tagged herself as an Artist. I am not sure if  the  person  on  this  profile is  truly an  artist.

Fifth : They wear their EGO  all the  time as  high as their 6 inches stiletto.

Many of them and  they keep  on multiplying, just like gremlins. It is the subculture that they want and no plan to throw away. Yes, it  has always  been  like that. They do not know what is the  difference  between PRIDE AND SELF-PRESERVATION. They walk like they own the  ramp and over power anyone who  are inferior and they think they are the best among the rest, what a mix up!  I call them "models wanna be " lost in the time of tide, that is blinded in the realms  of their vague dreams. They walk tall high but   they do not know what they are fighting for, a  paradigm drew out from  sketchy linings that ended  on the   horizon of nowhere.

Do not let your  EGO  define your  personality, instead  let   it  sits in a place that is lock away from scrutinizing  eyes. Wear your  “best” personality and  good  vibes  will do the  rest to bring out the best  in you. Do away things that makes your personality becomes  saturated over time as you progress. Filipino culture goes with what is good for the eyes but not what is good for the heart and soul, we always ignore the  truth for temporary happiness.

Sixth:  Fame without an identity.

This is  one of  my pet peeves whenever I met someone claiming that they are models, they do not know who they are. It seems they came from planet X, to be known  in their own little way  but  lost their sanity somewhere while travelling in the speed of  light driven by their hallucinations. Most of them claimed to be one of the models,  you see their  picture posted in   social media like FB, Twitter and IG and yet the  message it conveys does not add up who really they are. Plain and pretty face without conviction, and being pretty is  too boring and easily forgotten.

My advice: let others find out who you are, they will remember it longer. Your manners will speak for yourself. You little accomplishment will rock the  world and will lift you up. You are like a  queen sitting in the golden throne of command and respect.

Seventh:  Colonial Mentality

Philippines was colonized by Spaniards for more than  three  centuries. Ninety percent of our  culture were influenced by Spaniards from using a  spoon and fork, religion,  lifestyle and the status quo per se. Here in the  Philippines as  to this day colonial mentality is very much alive  and  it has been part of the culture ever since. From food to clothes, gadgets, accessories and even to our personal choice when it comes to our so called  love saga. 

Nowadays, you will see women turn into whitening  products, the whiter the complexion, the better, same case for those  who wants to venture into modelling and yes it is  the reality that hits our face. Brown and Black  are out for the majority and  white, mestiza and  or  with foreign blood is the new  trend, sad to say it is a widely practice in every corner. Seldom you will see models with brown skin to be  in the  spotlight especially those who are  new to the   industry. Take for example in the  open photo shoot event, most who join are either white or meztiza and or someone who  has   a pretty face  with no talent in posing, someone who wants to be wanna be.  bandwagon  of  diluted talents.

My advice: Do away with the colonial mentality. Be fair minded. Brown and black skin is something that you should be proud of. Local beauty is far more excellent compared to the foreign one. Trust me when I said it has been proven. Time and time again.

Eight : Models are drowned on their own bubble of happiness

Oh yes, a human luxury with no value. All along they think that once   they are inside the circle that’s it. They are high and hallucinated to the core, they care less and  lost, they enjoy too much of everything  just like there is no tomorrow. Once that bubble of happiness erupted, they lost their sanity, Oh well. Filipino culture is a mixture  of  little of  everything,  a mixture of  loneliness and too much  of  happiness to the  point that it  losses the  balance  of  in between. It is common practice  here in Philippines that once female individual  was chosen to be  a model in a certain event and the photographer take her  picture, a darling of the  crowd,   a model assume that she is the   “ cream  of the  crop” her head is covered  with big   bubbles that she  does not even  give a damn,  she is so into it. Upsetting as it is. Well, you folks are nothing but  a “cream of a crap."

Nine:  Modelling is a big deal. Bigger than their dreams.

 I joined photography as a hobbyist back in 2008. Back then we are using a  film camera .I started as a landscape photography, the beauty of nature created in God’s hand. 

Back then, I am not  into human subject for variety of reasons like,  complicated,  assuming, egoistic and domineering just to name a few. A friend of mine and mentor encourage me to have  human as  my subject.  I remember one time, when  I was invited  to  join an  open photo shoot held in one of my friend’s  house, yes it was a  model per se.  

I have no idea  how do they choose a model and or a subject. One striking character I have  noticed is that female  model  have this “Prima Donna”  attitude   whenever she is on the set. I have learned that she left  school in exchange of modelling and  she is earning good back then. Seven years  later, I accidentally  met her, and  she looked different, old,   long with   few white hair,   gained  weight, a  dry lips,  she have lost her beauty fast, really fast. She is a  2nd   year college in one  of the  known University in the country. I asked her, what happened? She replied, I left  school thinking that I can land a good contract to be  a model, but it wasn’t  due to the fact that I  did not enroll in a  reputable modelling school that will help my career, thinking that I am tall and  photogenic and that’s it.  Some photographers  promised me this and that, and only few fulfill their promises   and  I realized  I was trapped. At the back of my mind, I was asking myself, why she chose to stay as model? Clearly it is all about fame  and money.  

To anyone  who would like to venture into modelling, this serves as moral   of the story, never give up your  dreams over petty money and fame. Ask for a mentor who can help you. Someone will drive your passion and at the same time someone you can help you  to become a successful in your field of endeavor. NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED  YOUR EDUCATION!  This is your dream and your passport to the  future, a key  to open unlimited possibilities that life  can offer. I have seen  female posted  their  picture in Facebook and tagged themselves  as  “models.” Modelling is not bigger  than education, it is  not bigger that the money you receive  as a part  time or  a full time model at the  end of the day, whether in a  car show,  endorsement ( wishing on the same star) and  or any pet project that will boost  your career as  model. If you let your  BiG DREAMS  fade away in exchange of modelling,   it will be  too late for your  to realize the  repercussions, trust me,  you will find yourself  trap in a quagmire known to human, poverty, disillusionment and disappointment.

Tenth: Modelling as  Career

This is the most overrated reason I heard from any female models I have known,  collaborated over  a decade. I met countless female models who always think that their career in modelling is brighter than sun across the universe and what  shame! Yes indeed! I remember  one  model said to me, You know what,  this modelling career paid  me good and  this will be my bread and butter, unfortunately she end up working as a regular  office  personnel in one  local company due to no more projects and contracts to be signed in terms of modelling. Modelling as career does not paid off well in the long term since changes is inevitable along the road and if  you as model  is not willing to  embrace  the  changes, then  you  will be  left  behind. Instead   of focusing and invest   you  resources  in  modelling,  invest  in education and business for this will help you fight the    big fall whenever you decided  to  leave  modelling for good.  A good fall back if no more projects come along your way. So, if you want to  have  a career  in modelling then you must  invest thoroughly and embrace  changes.  

Eleventh :  Modelling as  passport to  a Luxury lifestyle.

Yes and it sounds   right. Admittedly,  this is  a  common Filipino mentality especially  those  who love  fame  in  the expense  of their  morality and  ignorance.  Glamour  and glitz are  the primary  reason   why  such mentality exist  in the first place  without having a  self-assessment  and  evaluating  the  whole scenario. I  do not  say  that  all models  who think this  way,  but   most  of those  I have met along  the  way   think   otherwise.   They have their own definition of luxury that    money and fame only matters, a luxurious  lifestyle  they  do not  understand. This statement  can somewhat true, but   far  from  reality  as  far as modelling is concern. Few  individual  who made a few  bucks out  modelling  due to  their  innate  talent  not  only in  modelling  but  being a  versatile artist  per se. Not  just looks but  brains as well.

So, if  you are the type of  person  who wants to  venture in fashion industry and wants  to   be a model  and  hone  your skills,  then may  I  suggest  to  start now.  Invest   wisely, enroll  in a reputable  modelling school with  solid  track and  wide experience into  modelling,  a coach   who  knows  what  they  are doing and  of course   develop  the  habit  of  perfectionism as  you  learn and progress  throughout your   modelling  career.

A grittier reality lies beneath the glitz and glamour.

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This   article  is  based  on the  actual experience and dialogue  with models and or  talents. No intentions  to mock, insult,  bully  and humiliate anyone  working  in the fashion  industry including but  not limited  to  models,  HMUA, handler and or   event organizers. Any  similarities  of  place, events  and  or  concerned  individual is not intentional. If  you  do not approve the   content   of this  Blog, please   do not proceed  reading.  Discretion is  advised.


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