Side Trip: Marinduque

When you think of provinces across the country only a few know about Marinduque. Majority of the Filipinos think that Marinduque is part of Visayas Region or Mindanao or part of Palawan. Having said that few individuals truly know this small island that is located in the heart of the Philippines- Yes indeed! When you look at the Philippine map, you will see the small island located in the heart of the Philippines(Marinduque is called "The Heart of the Philippine Islands" as the shape of the provincial island is similar to that of a human heart. Its location on the arrangement of the archipelago is also similar to the anatomy of where the heart is, in the human body. See Wikipedia) and usually, you will not be able to think that this small island has something to offer one might think does not exist at all.

Marinduque is composed of six municipalities: Boac (Capital), Gasan, Buenavista, Torrijos, Sta. Cruz and Mogpog. Among these six municipalities, Sta. Cruz is the biggest followed by Boac. Marinduque is part REGION IV-B MIMAROPA (MINDORO, MARINDUQUE, ROMBLON, and PALAWAN). The spoken dialect is Tagalog(Marinduqueño dialect) and  English.with pre-dominantly Roman Catholic followed by Aglipayan and some religious sectors.

Relatives and household members posed during the visit to one of the tourist spots in Marinduque -Malbog Spring, Malbog Buenavista.
Lipata, Buenavista-Ellen's View  Deck where to you see the Bellarocca Island aka  Elephant island in the background. 

Priceless moment. relaxation, worry-free from the hustle and bustle of city life.

             Yaya Marivic and Chacha. Ellen's View Deck.

                Lover's view. No sunset yet. Just chillin'.

Family Bonding. Ellen's view deck. 

Father and son bonding moment, Xander is curious and happy seeing this huge squid freshly caught. Ellen's view deck, Lipata Buenavista Marinduque.
Giant squid,  freshly caught.

Ellen's  View Deck. Lipata Buenavista Marinduque.


The experiences in the province are unforgettable and stressfree. Food, laughter, and bonding while enjoying every minute and nothing in between that makes us happy until the sunset hits the horizon. The pictures below are the common food in Marinduque.


Preparation 101.

 Marinduque is the place I missed most especially if I want to stay away and temporarily disconnect from the outside world -where my heart belongs. Until then.♥

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