
Revisited, a quick getaway and an escape to reality.

The not-so-usual set-up and plan for an out-of-town trip and the last notice before departure joining the team, my officemates to visit Boracay, the first timers of themselves. I was asked by my Boss if I wanted to join and at first, I was hesitant and agreed not because I wanted to but because I needed to relax and see the island after it was closed to the public to give way to its rehabilitation.


September 2 – Saturday, our flight is at 11.50 AM, it’s raining here in the city, straight ahead to the pick-up point with my colleagues going to the airport, an estimated 45-minute drive to the airport. We dropped by Park n’ Fly to leave the car before going to the airport, A van arrived shortly, and we drove off to the airport. I am wondering what the weather will be like in Boracay, hoping for a sunny day where I can capture the beauty of the island through the lens of my camera. It has been years since I visited the island, and this will be my 9th time seeing the island of Boracay.


As usual, our flight was delayed, so we boarded the plane at 12:50 PM and took off immediately While inside the plane, one of our colleagues sat near the window at a first timer and everyone was laughing, her reaction was priceless and at the same time she was scared, oh, it is normal experience, been there.


We arrived at Caticlan Airport and were greeted by scorching heat, directly proceeded to the departure area, and stayed for a few minutes while waiting for the rest of our companions, we secured a tricycle stab and heeded to the booth to make the payment for the fare going to the port.


It was a quick getaway, unplanned on my part, and I decided to join the team. Everyone is excited about going to Boracay and it seems they cannot hide the joyous feelings of being on the island for a short vacation. On the last day before leaving Boracay, it was raining for the whole day, and I was not able to get more pictures of the island side.

It was a quick and sweet out-of-town trip that settled my soul for a while. Until then.




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