
Showing posts from 2016
 Hey!  Last day of the year and it  remaining 13 hours and 20 seconds before  2017 hit the calendar and as we bid goodbye for  2016 let us  cherish all good memories and keep the  not so good things in a distance and let us roll over to the  best of  2017 has  to offer. Like Romans, let us eat, drink and merry making like there is no tomorrow but let us not forget the lessons that life  taught us. Humans are still the most lovable creatures, it is all about biology  and the DNA   within. So, as we move closer to whatever goals we set, dreams we that we created out of daydreaming and plans we had for years, let us kick them with determination, hard work and connection to the Almighty above.  There are too many to mention those who have been part of my roller coaster ride in a circle of LIFE that showed the  beauty and  ugliness of what I have right now! 2016 is the year of balance events that shook, tested and made our  country look good and bad in the eyes of the  world that hist

Dear Wanna be and FAKE Photographers

Your DSLR camera is not a 30, 000 worth of bling-bling. It is a tool use to capture unforgettable memories, being a good photographer is not measured in terms of purchase but in terms of skills acquired thru failure, criticism and tireless effort to achieve and hone skills all throughout your career, trust me when I say your first 10,000 shots are all failure and by the time you acquire to be in the semi-pro or professional category you have bleed enough and sweat like a hell before you can say that you are GOOD but not yet BEST. Let alone people from all walks of like criticize you for that it will help you grow.  By the  way, here is my mantra. 5 Uncomfortable Truths About Photography    1.    More gear won’t make you a better photographer .  2.      There is no “KNACK”    3.     You have got to be patient   4.   There is nothing wrong with being an amateur   5.    Postprocessing is tool, not a crutch Truly Yours; Learning Soul 

The Face Mantra

In the busy world of    fashion, entertainment, wedding, debut, graduation and all special occasions known to human we always rely to one person who can transform our simple look to an awesome individual and that individual often equipped with tool box that tool box is not intended for everyone and yes I know what you are thinking, not the tool box that you normally find in the garage of your house but what I am referring to is the tool box intended for an make-up artist. Yes, you heard me right a Hair and Makeup Artist or better known as HMUA as we often heard from photographer like me. Without them no beauty can shine under the sun or in the moonlight and or even under the flash of a camera, without a make-up artist one beauty cannot stand and cut above the rest and photographer we cannot assume the Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and or any editing software available in the market can make a subject stand out among the crowd that people looking at the picture will simply say

Ramp and Pose

Last September 17 Saturday of 2016 at Robinson Lipa-PFMA held its successful event for the new batch of models who made the ramp. In my previous article, it is been a year that Philippine Fashion Modelo Academy (PFMA) held its last ramp show. Last Saturday, it was a ramp full of excitement and expectations not only from the models itself but as well from the expectators of the event- not to mention those facebook friends who will see the event pictures uploaded during and after the event. A ramp is the final stage, it is the output product that everyone sees as a graduation that every member of the family sees to witness. Excitement is the always the primary factor that makes everyone giggle before the start of the show, during the show and right after the show plus the pictures taken. Throughout the event nothing is less expected to have, it is more on fun and ramp, showcasing the talent in ramp modelling.                       Pose and project -  genuinely define th

Rehearse… Rehearse.. Rehearse.. Rehearse

It is been a year since the PHILIPPINE FASHION MODELO ACADEMY(PFMA) went hibernated from the world of modelling but it  does not mean  that the school  stops producing the next batch of models  who wants to be part of the modelling industry and not to mention those aspiring models who would like to  try and give  it a shot what it takes to be a model. Dubbed as the only modelling schools in the city of Lipa Batangas that rock as a warrior from day one  the  founder opened the school,  unperturbed as time  passes, beyond compare in terms of  quality that soar high in producing top talents, achievements as we may call it- thank you Ms. Audrey Diaz for sharing your talent for those young beauties whose dream is to enter the world of modelling. Now, a new batch is undergoing a rigid workshop to enhance the skills, projection, facial expression good posture, the do’s and don’ts in  facing  the camera, catwalk, basic stance, make up tutorial and  how to walk like a model in the  run