The Face Mantra

In the busy world of   fashion, entertainment, wedding, debut, graduation and all special occasions known to human we always rely to one person who can transform our simple look to an awesome individual and that individual often equipped with tool box that tool box is not intended for everyone and yes I know what you are thinking, not the tool box that you normally find in the garage of your house but what I am referring to is the tool box intended for an make-up artist. Yes, you heard me right a Hair and Makeup Artist or better known as HMUA as we often heard from photographer like me. Without them no beauty can shine under the sun or in the moonlight and or even under the flash of a camera, without a make-up artist one beauty cannot stand and cut above the rest and photographer we cannot assume the Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and or any editing software available in the market can make a subject stand out among the crowd that people looking at the picture will simply say great without the help of an HMUA.

HMUA normally work as a background they are known as silent worker with a Midas touch that no one can say no to them or even leave them behind and let the picture float as it is without a simple touch or re-touch. Admittedly, we photographers cannot live without an HMUA, the mere fact that HMUA does not only help models to look good and transform their looks respectively they are good advisers as well when it comes to colour matching  of dresses to wear in the  event and or any special occasion that requires their skills.

For   a certain HMUA, seldom we find  or rarely we find someone with gifted talent, with a  Midas touch that few has been given the opportunity  and  blessed enough to have such skills develop in the course of time with  constant practice and creative mind one can acquire the skills hidden  in the genes. Admittedly I found one of the few people in this island to have such skills and multi-talented as   an individual in both field of medical and fashion industry and Yes he is one true friend I have high respect and valued as an artist. To open the curtain in the stage and let the limelight of success and perseverance shines upon on him, ladies and gentlemen….. Malick James Hilado, Yes, it is no other than him and most of you will say that the name sounds familiar and for the Batangueños and Ilonggos the name echoed specially those faces that he had served and to those  who know him thru circle of friends, facebook, acquaintances and the like. 

Hailed from the province of Iloilo, this young mind as Ilonggo never stop in achieving his dream and set goal not only for himself and family but for the society and industry respectively. Malick was known to his friends started his interest in the make-up industry during his younger days with curious mind coupled with keen vision of what he will do with his talent from   scratch of ideas, to imagination to execution and solid belief and the fire of passion that ignited deep inside his heart and a strong soul to pursue his ambition to become an artist or simply known as Hair and Make-up Artist. Thinking out loud, he did not take for granted his education to have a degree in BS Nursing and passed the board examination that earned him a title as Registered Nurse (RN) attached to his full name a license to become a certified medical personnel.

I have known Malick back then, I  am a freelance photographer for Philippine Fashion Modelo Academy when he joined PFMA for batch 6 and the rest is history. Throughout the time I worked with him, I witnessed how passionate and dedicated to his job as an HMUA that in every stroke of his brush it seems magic transformation happens that makes the client and the people excited and happy how they looks transform dramatically not only in front of the mirror, the camera and in the picture taken and printed out and posted in the social media, but mostly in front of the scrutinizing eyes of the crowd.

Why face mantra? Well, it is the way how his belief and artwork speaks for his craftsmanship, just like the word “mantra” a repetitive pray that we say or a repetitive utterances of someone's basic belief. For Malick, a mantra for him is the consistency of his work and the quality within, it is the quality that makes his work stand out, and by definition QUALITY IS THE PRODUCT OF A TIRELESS EFFORT, PERSEVERANCE, DISCIPLINE AND HAVING AN OPEN MIND IN THE  WORLD FULL OF CHALLENGES.

 So how it all does started? Well, let us revisit when he was just an ordinary young individual with a simple dream to become professional artist in line with fashion, a curiosity turned into reality. It all started when he became fascinated with beauty noticing colors, shapes, shadows and highlights that led him to the achieve his dream. As a mentee to a talented and respected person who taught him the trade and tricks, learning is common, gaining experience is another story while failure is the key to strive more-the fuel to continue polishing his talent where output speaks for his craftsmanship that his skills breaks beyond reproach. 

It was way back then, during high school days he make fun out of his enthrallment by shaping his female classmate and teachers’ eye brows every Friday thus add up to his learning experience-practice is the key coupled with consistency a repetitive task he loves to do without getting tired.

For Malick, beauty is the character that lies in the hushed yet dazing charm of simplicity, the colors are only to bring that character into life that brings out the inner exquisiteness of a person. As he lay his hands on someone’s innocent beauty that is when a beautiful transformation begin to take place.

It was way back then, a simple dream fueled with passion, curiosity that unlock the  potential of a young boy, a dream fulfilled,  a  reality-a knowledge to be shared  to young talented individual whose desire, discipline and willingness  to learn is beyond reproach.
It was way back then, a journey begin from a simple dream, it was way back then, a certain Malick James Hilado who planted the seed that he watered and nurtured with his belief and strong determination, now that seed grew up and blossom in robust tree full of wisdom and knowledge that he keeps on watering and nurturing so that the roots will go deeper and stronger to support and protect against the blows of life- a challenge yet to faced.

  The foundation he laid as an Hair and Makeup Artist is a by product of his relentless soul, a good heart and clear vision to continue his journey. He may travelled a lot, meet different kinds of people in all walks of life to perform his undying  passion and devotion that taught him the lessons of life.

It was way back then, there was a boy who travelled long distance with a bag full of hopes and dreams that someday he will be called an artist. His faith is connected to his feet where he took the right directions, a constant speed that savours the time he spent along the road, talk, meet and socialize with the strangers, A road less travelled, for some it is a journey that has a long way to go.

It was way back then, A Malick James Hilado and now there  is The Face Mantra that future awaits that keeps on shining in every stroke of the brush. The years of passion and dedication , undying   devotion that keeps his dream alive that pushes him to strive for more.

For Malick, continue what you have started and if you are tired, rest but  never quit, only stop when you reach the  end line of your goal.


Achievements and  Awards

Best Makeup citation for Dalipi Dance and Theater Arts  for Philippine Fold Dance Competition Iloilo City Philippines

Overall Champion for Best Fantasy Make-up during the Science Quest, Baguio City Philippines

June to August 2013
Guest Hair and Makeup Artist of the Batangas Camera Club

Calendar models’ official hair and makeup artist

Best Photo Award  during the Aliwan Festival held at Cultural Center of the Philippines
Abs-Cbn Showtime's Next Tough Model Champion

Philippine Fashion Modelo Academy director, choreographer and resident make- up artist, personality development, basic makeup techniques and basic cat walk
Guest makeup artist of  Batangas  Province Camera Club and Lyceum of the Philippines Batangas City

Guest speaker  to various organizations and institutions
 Philippine Dental Association Lipa City Chapter

 Batangas State University- Lipa City campus
Untalan General Hospital
Metro San Jose Medical Center
 Graduate of Intermediate Professional Makeup Course at the School of Fashion and  Arts (SOFA)Makati  City Philippines


 Contact details:

Cellphone number: 0949-995-7695

All Rights Reserved 2016


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