Books, Kids and the Story Telling

It is always my belief that reading is the best way to know everything. Thru reading, we were able to develop our sense of belongingness and awakening of our senses not only in terms of additional knowledge obtain but the positive influence towards learning.

Over the weekends, I  joined the  volunteer  for   The Storytelling Project held in  Pagsawitan Sta. Cruz  Laguna, the  group is consist of different  professionals from all walks of life who shared their common passion in helping  elementary students develop their interest in reading. As a wide reader, reading help me realize that the basic to learning process is to be able to read a simple words that will help my knowledge work hand in hand to obtain and secure the  intelligent capacity  as individual. For the young generation, I see a huge potentials that will equip them not only in terms of the acquired knowledge but as well as assets to the society, thru reading program it entails the slogan “reading and learning”, a process that will reduce illiterate young individual in a community- it is the best weapon against the discriminating world against the illiteracy dilemma that every third world countries like Philippines faced as human society progress so with the  neighboring countries across Asia and to the rest of the world.

Story written to capture the  vivid imagination of the kids and at the same time to help eradicate the ghost the resides in every kid's mind.

The experience I had with children who participated on the Story telling project at Pagsawitan is a mixture of  emotions. First, Happy and Sad to Emptiness and let me explain that further. That happy feeling is always present  whenever I am voluntarily helping  someone like these kids who  would like to learn specially in the fields  of reading, my heart is filled  of  excitement that pushes  my souls to do more  and help without  expecting  in return and  I did. Sad, simply because these   children needs to win  and fight own their own in order for them to achieve the prize for knowledge quest and  the respect of the community where they live. 

All said and done only few school I have known truly and transparently accepted the idea of The Storytelling Project(TSP). As I was  listening to the  story of the parent of   a volunteer who traveled all the way from North to South, as shocked to  hear it, loud and clear  that the school where her 11 year old kid  is currently studying refused the idea of sharing his  knowledge thru Story telling, the pride, reputation and ego are the only things that matters most rather than seeing the positive  long term effect in encouraging youngsters to read and prepare themselves for what the future awaits where discouragement indirectly injected thus avoiding  and missing the point of story telling concept- knowledge  transfer and illiteracy reduction.

Participants on the story telling project. With teacher Josi (right) who tirelessly supported the project and firmly believe that reading is the key factor in learning, an essentials to the community of  knowledge. Dated November  18, 2017.

Road  condition going to the area for StoryTelling. Brgy. Sabang Pagsawitan Sta. Cruz laguna.During the rainy days,  students prefer not to go to school and stay at home.
Walk the talk
On the other hand, I felt empty not because we are few helping them but simply because the reading comprehension has been taken for granted nowadays. During my elementary days, we  spent an hour  for  reading comprehension alone, afterwards our  teacher will ask questions based on how we  understand the story and it felt good knowing that our senses were awaken and it helped us  develop our  ability to read and  comprehend,  during my  childhood days and up to this day, I still carry the same  habit of reading and it becomes my life style indeed. Empty simply because no one sees the importance of reading, the seed that  should be planted  to the  young generation that will  grow like a tree that will shed and share the knowledge that will serve as   fuel to our lost soul,  a  fire that will keep burning  in the  dark  while passing  thru tunnel of illiteracy.

Nowadays, things have change, most of the younger generation blindly sees on how reading  adds to their wisdom and  knowledge, it  may sound absurd but  this is  the reality and we all know and it is happening and keeps on happening, a cycle deep seated in our  culture that runs thru our   veins  that resides on the persona within. Would you believe that millennials nowadays prefer facebook rather than the actual book?  Ridiculously right isn't  it? It may not be all of them but it happens within the  society, unlearn and re-learning are the two most crucial part of reading that  lost in the tide of time.

Group  effort during the  drawing activity. Kids  were instructed to draw their own monster and present it. 

            Proudly displayed their output. Pride  as they finish ahead of time. No sweat.
It is always my belief that reading is the best way to know everything. Thru reading, we open the door to unlimited  possibilities, we  help  our society eradicate illiteracy and help the  community of young ones to develop their own senses and responsibility, to  progress in achieving their  dreams to be fulfilled and make their soul a beautiful one by removing uncertainties of their current situation thus their heart speak the  kindness thru wisdom and knowledge bestowed to them. A preparation  for tomorrow's  examination, thus bridging the  gap  of   human quest for knowledge, A road map towards the set goal yet to be  achieved.  Reading is  just like a road less traveled to success  while learning is just  like  an empty jar  waiting  to be  filled in, a need with  sense  of  urgency.



Pagsawitan Elementary School  Teachers and Parents
Pagsawitan Elementary  Students
The StoryTelling Project Group headed by Rey Bufi and Tiana Panda

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