Free Spirited

   A quick trip out of town is such an overwhelming experience indeed and all I need to do is to pack all the things I needed such as clothes, camera, my journal and a pen to write down all the memories and priceless experience. C’est la vie as my heart shouted and my mind is filled with readiness as I embark and set foot to the journey I called bliss of  memory under my nose and the place  to be with is no other than MARINDUQUE- an island in the heart of the country-PHILIPPINES.

Where should I begin? Hmmm, let me go back from the time I was stucked and drowned to my small office while working at night shift sipping brewed coffee during my break schedule - a mental torture, blisters and lost souls confined in a  cubicle. 

Fast forward, waking up as early as 6 am, stroll to the beach, fresh air and the sounds of sea water made my eardrum dance in the tune of serenity, a peaceful environment that made my world stops and made me forget temporarily the city life- a true happiness made in heaven.

Silhouette of a happy souls.

One of the  beautiful houses in the  resort. Simple and  cute, full of life that breath the  same air as we do that speaks to the  beautiful landscape.

Cousins  posting - kulitan time 

Looking  far as  I venture to the  end of the horizon.

Peebles, mountain view and the sea.


Food is great so with the people. A big thank you to Tita Melba who kept herself  busy serving  mouth-watering food that  made our tummy full, our  heart and soul stays energetic, a  memorable and  priceless experience indeed!

Until then, I will be missing the place and the memories I left  behind. I left my ♥ in Cagpo, Torrijos Marinduque.

All Rights  Reserved  2017 


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